6 Signs your partner isn’t fully over their ex

Does your partner have lingering feelings about their ex?

It is always wise to start a relationship with a clean slate. Entering into a new relationship when you are not over your ex is not only unhealthy but will hurt the person you are in a relationship with. Now you might be the kind of person who likes a fresh start with a new person, after getting closure from their previous relationship and having no lingering feelings for their ex. But getting the icky feeling that your partner might not be fully over their ex is not really a deal breaker and can be worked through, but it hurts nonetheless.

In case you already have mixed feelings about bringing up the whole ex conversation, here are a few signs to look out for.

Your partner suggests doing the same things they did with their ex

It feels your partner is trying to revisit the places that holds emotional importance for them with their ex, it is a sign of concern. If you are doing Friday night at a sushi place like your partner did with their ex, it’s time to raise concern.

Bring up their ex in conversations

This is fairly obvious: if your partner constantly brings their ex up in conversations, they are still hung up. If they get emotional talking about their ex, it is a sign they haven’t moved on yet.

But get defensive when you bring up the topic

It seems they can talk about their ex a lot but they get heated every time you bring up the conversation about them. If they get defensive it is a sign you must address it seriously.

Your partner reacts to their ex’s posts on social media

Bring friends with their ex is fine. But your partner reacts to every single to every single of their ex’s posts to the point it’s a habit of their to constantly check up on their social media. Keeping up with their ex might be a sign they are not fully over their ex.

But rarely posts photo of the two of you

Your partner never posts photos of you two online. You feel like your partner is hiding your relationship, keeping it clear that they are open to dating, should the ex choose to come back. Again, a red flag.

Don’t want to take the relationship to the next level

Even though you have been together for some time, your relationship feels stagnant and your partner lacks the commitment to the relationship. They might even make excuses that aren’t that great that makes you wonder.

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