6 Oldest Tribes In Africa

  • Rinks
  • 22 February, 2021
  • 2 mins ago

The ancient tribes of Africa that will bewilder you with their unchanged and exceptional lifestyle.

Africa is supposed to be the cradle out of which human life evolved. It was not less than over a million years when the first homo sapiens walked on the African grounds. Some indigenous African tribes have direct descendants from early humans and have similar DNA marks. The genetic attributes are unique, and their lifestyle and communication style does not remotely resemble the ones modern humans share worldwide. The cultural traditions for thousands of years remain undisturbed despite the colonization. Here are some of the ancient African tribes that will bewilder you with their exceptional lifestyle.

  1. Maasai-
The Maasai tribe is over 3000 years old and now is a splurging population of 900000 people. Living in northern Tanzania and southern Kenya, their vibrant outfits and customs make them well-acknowledged among all tribes. The tribe spread from Lake Turkana, and since the 15th century, they started migrating southwards. They are a tribe of warriors and make a huge tourist attraction for the country.
  1. Berbers-
The Berbers have a compelling population of 25 million and have a Maghrebi Arabic dialect. They are spread all over north Africa. They are indigenous inhabitants of Africa and call themselves Amazigh.
  1. Sandawe-
The Sandawe tribe is 87000 old with a population reaching 60,000 people. They are located in central Tanzania, and some follow the original click dialect. They are believed to be the oldest race in the world. They have a variant gene in melanin that affects melanin and look similar to the San.
  1. African Pygmies-
Located in the Congo Basin, the African Pygmies tribe is over 100000 years old. They have a population of 900000 and speak various languages. Pigmies are believed to be the descends of the earliest humans. The unique growth pattern of the tribe is something that bewilders scientists.
  1. Hadza-
Located in Tanzania, the Hazda tribe is over 100000 years old. They are believed to be the ancient people on earth. They follow the hunting and gathering lifestyle and keep away from having a permanent shelter. They follow the click language and can be linked back to early men.
  1. Nama Tribe-
Located in Namibia and Botswana, the population reaches over 130000 people and is about 13000 years old. They are the descendants of Khoikjoi tribe and are among the most senior people to walk on earth. The few pure breeds of Nama believe in cattle rearing and remain close-knit with their on the tribe.

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