3 oldest and beautiful paintings in the world

In today’s time and age also there are paintings as old as humanity that still lives.

Art is an expression of emotion that has existed for centuries, even before human civilization came into full bloom. From the generation of cavemen to emperors to rulers to the British and the many that came after, paintings have been part of every era and century that passed on. Each piece of art from a different era represents a different story and in fact, gives a glimpse of what that time looked like. In today’s time and age also there are paintings as old as humanity that still lives. Here are some of the oldest paintings in the world.

The Painted Tomb at Hierakonpolis

This oldest Egyptian painting comes from the popular tomb at Hierakonpolis and dates back to the dawn of Egyptian civilization, before King Narmer's unification of Egypt in 3100 BC. Legend has it that this painting is thought to have been created over time, with some elements created at one point in time and then worked on by other painters. The painting appears jumbled and chaotic, with hunting scenes interspersed with battlefields, random vignettes depicting priests, dancing women, animal sacrifice, and funerary rites. As a result, it is commonly viewed as a booklet of themes and motifs," depicting a wide range of totally unconnected images with no cohesive meaning.

The Lindisfarne Gospels

A majority of British art was religious, with the Lindisfarne Gospels being one of the oldest epic pieces. The paintings in the book are in remarkable condition today, despite being over 1300 years old. This collection of paintings predates England and is a perfect example of Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, and Mediterranean artistic elements. The Lindisfarne Gospels have been traditional religious art in the early mediaeval period. The majority of the paint is black/brown in colour, but other colours such as red, yellow, green, and blue were also used and were made from items such as egg white and lapis lazuli.

Painting from The Takamatsuzuka Tomb

The Asuka Beauties, one of the tomb's most famous frescoes, is one of many. This painting depicts several women, or courtiers, dressed in Korean attire. There are four men and several animals behind them. This is a National Treasure of Japan, and despite conservation efforts, it is likely that the paintings would be damaged if other efforts were made. The painting is believed to have been painted between the end of the 7th century and the beginning of the 8th century. And has a history of being accidentally discovered by a local farmer in the 1960s.

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